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Sunday 8 September 2019

Top 7 foods


There are many foods to eat and almost every food has its benefits. There are some foods which are more beneficial from other foods. According to our research some foods enrich with many benefits are given below.


Delicious and enrich with protein these food can improve your health. This much loved nut is actually a seed with high fat content to make you healthy. Almonds are rich with saturated fat which reduces unhealthy cholesterol e level and lowest the risk of heart disease. Almond with great source of vitamin E improve over all cardio vascular health. If you want to look better, comfortable start snacking some almonds.


Yes another good food is apple. Eating apple a day actually keeps the doctor away from you.
Good source of vitamin c and soluble fiber apples improve blood glucose and cholesterol levels.
A versatile food that comes with variety of types reds, greens and gold this popular snack has good benefits.
Eating of apple early in the morning improve your health.


Salmon is rich in B12 vitamin d and with one of the highest concentrations of omega three fatty acid of any food wild or organically formed is really your best  pack when it  comes to this fish.
Recent study suggest that eating salmon can help improve cardio vascular functions and might even help to reduce depression and boost learning capabilities. Salmon the ultimate brain food when it comes to healthy diet this oily fish is really good for health.


All grain oats are good and great source of soluble fiber and can significantly lower cholesterol also prevent heart disease some type of breast cancer and colon cancer.
We know these little grains might be little boring but they are cheap easy to cook and really good for you. Boost flavor with few barriers throwing some almonds and enjoy your body will thank you.


Garlic is used in every type of cooking. Garlic can improve every meal to improve your health. With variety of antibiotic and anti /inflammatory properties garlic improve your immune system, helps with metabolic functions and has been shown to certain cancer preventive properties.
The key to keep its health benefits lets it after crashing and never over cook.
The key to enjoying garlic with friends is perfect.

Broccoli helps to detoxify the body system reduces information and is enrich with antioxidant making it one of the best things you can eat to maintain health and you can possibly prevent certain type of cancer.
The key to broccoli is preparation. Over cooking not only makes the veg soggy and it also destroys nutrients values. Lightly steaming it will maintain its texture, flavor and it incredibly health benefits.


Avocado is good for you that it makes other super food healthier. Avocado is rich in oleic acid which lowest the risk of heart and inflammatory diseases. It also enhances the body absorption of carotenoids essential ingredient founds in leafy greens or red or yellow vegetables.
Add avocado to salad and you actually increased the nutritional value of virtually everything in the bowl.
And do not be afraid of avocado high fat content it what makes it creamy, delicious and incredibly nutritious.

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